Enjoy the best adult massage in Nottinghill area (W11 & W10), relax & unwind by our extra sensual massage services. Stress settles on the erogenous zones of the body and tantric massage helps to relax and de-stress.

Our massage services for Nottinghill area including Traditional body to body massage, Nuru Massage, tie&tease and tantra massage (Prostate massage / Lingam massage)  & *more.

sexy adult massage notting hill

One of the most popular types of relaxing massage for adults is the Tantric Massage. In London this type of erotic massage has become main stream. It uses the sensuous power of touch to stimulate the skin, which is considered to be the body’s most underestimated sex organ. There are millions of delicate nerve endings in the skin which are begging to be erotically stimulated for an experience at the height of titillation and relaxation.

Our Nottinghill Tantric Massage does not involve traditional, penetrative sex. However, it does involve a complete touching of all erotic zones on the body, as well as full nudity of both the masseuse and the customer. The masseuse is better able to transfer her sensual energy to the customer’s nude body when she is also fully naked. During this type of massage, the masseuse will touch every part of the body, from head to toe, including the Lingam. However, as she starts the massage, the Lingam will be avoided at first. This will allow you to relax completely, preparing for the release to come.

The Notting hill massage

After relaxing, soft and sensual touching of the other parts of your body, the masseuse will then start to concentrate on your Lingam. This is intended to bring about intense sexual arousal. When you find yourself right on the brink of orgasm, the masseuse will stop touching your Lingam, allowing you to take deep breaths and regain your composure. She will then start all over again, bringing you to the point of orgasm before backing off again. This is a vital part of the session as the repeated touching and teasing helps you to better control your eventual ejaculation. As a result, you will be able to have an extremely intense, long, and pleasurable orgasm.
Men have a sacred spot hidden away between the testicles and the anus: the prostate, which is a small indentation. As a special bonus, your masseuse may search for this spot, massaging it gently during your orgasm to intensify the feeling of release. With a combination of teasing, repetitive touching, pressure, and release, a Tantric Massage is the most intense experience in stress release and pleasure that you can have.

You can choose from our varity services: body to body massage, Nuru Massage, tie&tease and tantra massage (Prostate massage / Lingam massage)  & *more.

Outcall Massage

We can delivery outcall massage near notting hill, if you perfer an incall massage service in central London, please visit our paddington massage center or bayswater massage center.

You can book a massage for notting hill area in London by call our 24hour tel support or simply send us a email, you can find our contact information in booking page.